Redwood with many birds

Redwood with many birds

Posted by on Aug 1, 2023 in Birds and Nature, Susan LeVine

341/2×27 This painting of one of my favorite Redwoods was made with very tiny brushes and a lot of love. I often sit by this Redwood and think. It is a place that I go to on all kinds of occasions but mostly I go there to connect to my heart. I have taken others […]

Goldfinches in an Olive Tree
Western Tanager
Trio of Owls

Clever Bird Cards

Posted by on Feb 10, 2017 in Susan LeVine

I have always loved making cards for my friends and loved ones. When I was in high school I was the cartoonist for the school paper. Using words and illustrations together always worked together in my brain. I thought I would be a natural for the New Yorker but it took many years before I […]



Posted by on Oct 26, 2015 in Susan LeVine

In high school I was the cartoonist for the school paper. I have never quite left this kind of art.  Humor is  a great survival technique. Who doesn’t enjoy making someone laugh or smile? I know that I do. So, I will be posting some humorous pieces and I will be selling them as cards and prints […]