Clever Bird Cards and Recycled Paper Greetings Cards
Uccellino & Other Products
Commissioned Art
Licensed Art
Clever Bird Cards
Commissioned Art
Fabric Design
Holiday Cards
house portraits
Licensed Art
portraits of homes
product design
Recycled Paper Greetings
scarf design
Silk scarves
Uncommon Goods
watercolor houses
Allen’s Hummingbird on her nest
Great Blue Heron Couple
American Goldfinch on her nest
Hooded Oriole Couple
Bewick’s Wren
Warblers in an Oak Tree
The Fecundity of Spring
Brown Pelican Couple
Belted Kingfisher Couple
Towndsend Warbler Couple
Goldfinches in the Olive Tree
Purple cabbage
American Goldfinch
Varied Thrush
Nightshift at the Great Pyramids
Bird Quilt 2020
Mallard Ducks
Allen’s Hummingbird duo on the branches of a Redwood tree
Savannah Sparrow
Audubon Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Do you wonder what a Soul is? I do too.
Licensed art for Wayfair
Licensed art for Paragon
Licensed art for Wayfair
Recycled Paper Greetings
Guide Birds for Uncommon Goods
Calendar for Uncommon Goods
Lotusland paintings
Lotusland silk scarf
Home in Montecito with vignettes
Portrait of a home as a quilt
Wendy Foster T-shirt Design
MacGillivray Warbler
California Quail
Grasshopper Sparrow
Hummingbirds in California
Red-Tailed Hawk
Anna’s Hummingbird in her nest
Hutton Vireo
Hermit Thrush
Black-throated Grey Warbler
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Allen’s Hummingbird on his nest
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Red-tailed Hawk
Great Blue Heron
Western Bluebird
Western Tanager
Trio of Owls
Anna’s Hummingbird in her nest
California Quail
Hooded Oriole
Royal Tern
Bird Quilt
Why I love Trees
Bird Quilt
White-Crowned Sparrow with a Crown of his dreams
Bluebird with a bonnet of his dreams
Belted Kingfisher catches a fish
White-Breasted Nuthatch
Assorted Warblers
Oriole with a bonnet full of dreams
Jeepers Peepers
Spring sure does bring out your zany side
Thank you
Coming in for a landing
Flying Crow
Burrowing Owl
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
Bird finds a heart
Bringing flowers
Birthday Joy
Feeling blue
If I could I’d give you the world
Yoga bird
Just be you
Forever young surfer
I love my birthday card
The world is your oyster bar
Guess WHOOO loves you?
Looks just like you
Enjoy life
Thank you
Nest Store Shopping
Imagine the Possibilites
Imagine the Possibilities
A fashionable friend
Sending Big Love
Good luck in your choices
Congratulations Card
Sympathy for him
Sympathy for her card
California Quail
Bird Quilt of California
Crow on a nest
Bewick Wren
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
Great Horned Owl
Bird on a wire
More Hummingbirds
flower fabric design
Follow your heart card
Daughter dance card
Son card
Thank you card
Travel with a light heart card
I’ll be loving you always
Flower symbolism card
Ireland’s Inch
Irish farm land
veggies and strawberries
Don’t Let your Stars Get Muddy
Coastal Oak Tree
Pepper Tree
Olive tree
Bird Quilt of Rare Visitors of the California Coast
Eggs and nest and feathers
Hermit Thrush
The Contemplative American Crow
Northern Spotted Owl
American Crow
Barn Owl
Hummingbird varieties in California
Oak Tit Mouse
White-Crowned Sparrow
birds and fish
making a landscape where there wasn’t one
Classic California home
House portrait-montecito
A HandBook for Citizen Farmers
Cards for Recycled Paper Greetings
Meaning of Birds
Home with dogs
house on Park Avenue
Hooded Oriole, nest, eggs and feather
American Goldfinch couple
Happy Holidays
share the joy,share the love
Life is beautiful
Common Yellowthroat
White-Crowned Sparrow
Enjoy! Enjoy!
Love Is
Bewick’s Wren
Compassion and Healing
Anna’s Hummingbird
Magic Happens Birthday
Take a star from the sky
I’d give you the world for your birthday
worms and seeds
With Love all things heal
Card for Daughter
Double-crested Cormorant
California Quail
Bald Eagle
Message Boxes
Window to the Ocean
Celebrating Vitality
Belted Kingfisher
Open Your Heart Box
Mighty Redwood
Mothers Birthday
Spheres of Wonder
Dancing on Rooftops Birthday
Rose Garden
American Kestrel
Guide Birds
Affirmation Hearts
Solitude on Goleta Beach
Bird Quilt of the East Coast
Lake Los Caneros
Celebrate Beauty
Blue Balloon
Forever Young Birthday
Red Tailed Hawk
Good or Lucky
Birthday Joy
Nest of Affirmations
Spirit Houses
Hooded Orioles
Little Bird Birthday
Greater Roadrunner