Nest of Affirmations
Similar in concept to the Guide Birds, this collection of porcelain eggs empowers users to "be courageous" , "be wise" " be playful" and otherwise strive toward their most positive state of being. It comes with a natural twine nest.
It is the belief of some Native Americans that birds are the messengers between heaven and earth, for me they light the world with beauty and song. Many poets write about the invisible world or the world unseen and that nature is always talking to us if we only listen. For me, nature is the place of beauty, and reverence and place to reconnect and a place for healing and renewal.
Uccellino, Inc. was founded for the purpose of lifting spirits, opening hearts and enhancing the clelbration of life.
I personally paint what brings me joy and I make products that I use myself. Every day I pick two eggs and those are the words that guide me through the day.